What is BeatzCoin and VibraVid.
For Immediate Release: 19 March 2019
Atlanta, GA — The most often asked question received by the team, “What is VibraVid?”. Fact is, people know us in the cryptocurrency space as the BeatzCoin team. BeatzCoin is the in platform currency used to drive interaction between content creators and their fans. VibraVid is the incorporation that is a hierarchy for BeatzCoin. While all members of VibraVid are also members of BeatzCoin, all members of BeatzCoin are not members of VibraVid.
VibraVid’s goal is to upend the media sharing industry by enabling self marketing and user engagement. This starts with the ability to support your favorite artist by donating directly to them in return for autographs, concert tickets, special content or shoutouts. The list goes on and is nearly endless, this type of engagement is very similar to Patreon.
Music sharing will be the initial objective, focusing on undiscovered talent being slingshotted into the mainstream. This is where the unique self-marketing concept comes into play. This will be achieved through the use of bounties by the artists and special promotions from the VibraVid team. Listeners will be able to click on this featured content and earn an income for just “testing out” new music. This is also the beginning of the VibraVid Ecosystem.
At the same time users will be able to upload any other content they want to share with the world. From talking about your favorite cars to planting flowers, the same tools and incentives will be provided by VibraVid. Anyone will be able to upload any content they’d like.
Ease of use and adaptability is the main focus of the platform. It will be as easy to use as SoundCloud and YouTube. The team wants to ensure a flawless system is in place to entice users to VibraVid as another method of income. We are not looking to be the “YouTube Killer”. If you are making good money on YouTube, that is great! If you could upload to another site and make an additional income, that would be even better. Guess what else? You won’t be censored or demonetized. This is due to the decentralized platform that we’re building.
Advertisements — Something most can agree on is the annoyance posed by advertisements. This is were VibraVid really becomes unique. First and foremost, you do not want to see ads, you do not have to. It is as simple as clicking a button and the advertisements are gone. Sounds good right? Why on earth would anyone want to listen to ads if they did not have to? What if you got paid, each time you listened to an advertisement? VibraVid rewards listeners by giving a portion of the advertising revenue to them. Just another way we plan on revolutionizing the industry.
BeatzCoin — Non-crypto enthusiasts are often scared of the words “crypto currency”. Fact is, you don’t need to be. The Tron currency (whose blockchain we are using) has one of the highest liquidity rates amongst all crypto currencies. It is as easy as trading on the Stock Exchange. This means, converting to US Dollars can be done in about 3 minutes.
This brings us back to the VibraVid Ecosystem. You can listen without costing you a single dime, but you’ll make money in the form of crypto currency. What you do with this, is up to you. Trade it for Bitcoin, Ripple, or Tron. If you don’t want to do that, give it to the content creators to help them to continue creating their amazing content!
As for the content creators. For all the musicians that are out there, we are doing and Artist Accelerator. The team will hand-walk you through from start to finish, setting up on our platform. This includes and introduction to crypto currency and getting started. There’s a limited amount of spots available and we expect them to go within days of platform launch. Get signed up today.
In closing, there’s a massive issue within the media sharing industry. Artists are receiving practically nothing for their hard work. Everyone is sticking their hands into the profit margins. With VibraVid’s decentralized ecosystem, this won’t happen. We will give the power back to the content creators. We will revolutionize the way we interact with digital content. Don’t take my word for it, join us on the following platforms.
Mike Patraw-CMO, VibraVid Inc. and BeatzCoin
Website: https://www.beatzcoin.io
Whitepaper: https://www.beatzcoin.io/downloads/Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeatzCoin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeatzCoin/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vibravid/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_b2bfwk1n7E31CKrrvh_6w
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeatzCoin/
Podcasts: https://www.spreaker.com/beatzcoin
Medium: https://link.medium.com/Q7efQptpHU
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4888237.0
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beatzcoin_official/?hl=el