BeatzCoin and VibraVid Community Guidelines.
Our Purpose: To empower content creators world-wide to build a stronger and more versatile community of artists.
Our Mission: To revolutionize the way consumers interact with digital content.
We at VibraVid want all members of the community to feel welcome, safe and respected when interacting with other members. For that reason, we have developed a set of Community Guidelines that highlight the behaviors that are and are not allowed during interactions.
Be Helpful, Not Hurtful.
The heart and soul of the BeatzCoin project are the helpful conversations that happen between members. When conversations turn disagreeable, everyone suffers. Our Guidelines prohibit posts and replies that discriminate against, attack, insult, shame, bully, or belittle others.
Do Not Promote other blockchain or crypto related projects on our Social Media Platforms.
The forums for discussion are limited to the project at hand, comments and questions regarding BeatzCoin and VibraVid will be welcomed. Promoting other projects on our channel hurts the community overall and reflects negatively on the team. This is an easy route to ban-city. While this will be allowed on the VibraVid platform, our social media outlets are not the place for this.
Trolling as viewed by a moderators, will not be tolerated.
Trolling will be taken in the eye of the beholder. Moderators have a very tough job to do and must enforce all rules as they see fit. The core team can not always ensure proper use of moderation powers, if you find yourself banned or blocked for unjust reasons, you are more than welcome to reach out to the core team individually.